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Best Banana Bread (the search is over)

I have arrived at the best banana bread recipe on the planet. Namely, the banana bread that satisfies my desires for healthy ingredients and also will not sit and mold on the counter because my children turn their noses up at it in disgust.

I have made sawdust, wheat germ banana bread. I have made soupy, apple sauce banana bread. And pretty much everything in between. I even made one with browned coconut on top and rum, and chocolate in the batter. At which point I realized, to hell with the bananas, I'm just making a cake.

This recipe has yogurt, some wheat flower, no sugar and coconut oil, (which we all know can do everything including bring a dead bird back to life).

The combination of flours gives it just enough nuttiness and density. I of course, feel the need to slather a gigantic slab of butter on top, with a cup of coffee, and voila! Perfection. Enjoy.

Best Banana Bread

Caitlin Hostetter


2 large or 3 small bananas

2 large eggs

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

1/4 cup Greek Yogurt

1 Tbs. vanilla

1 1/4 cup white flour

3/4 whole wheat flour

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp salt

chocolate chips (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mash the bananas in your mixer, and add oil, yogurt, and vanilla. Give it another whirl, until combined. In another bowl sift together the dry ingredients and then add to the wet. Mix until just combined. Add chocolate chips to your heart's content. My heart is content with about a cup.

Pour batter (which will be quite thick) into greased bread pan (I think glass is the best, no burning on the bottom) and bake about 45 minutes, until you can smell than wonderful sweetness and the top is getting golden. Check with a knife though, since I don't know how many times I've gotten a doughy center when I was SURE it was done. Let cool 30 minutes. Yeah, right. 15 is fine. Enjoy.

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I'm Caitlin Grace and I live in harsh but beautiful Wallowa County, Oregon where my husband and I ranch beef, homeschool our four kids and seek good days.

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