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Freyja and Lew's Room

If I had no "Before" photos last time, this time I have too many. I will take you on a little trip into the past.

I give you Hyatt House circa 1990. Wow, my heart skips a beat when I see this little beaut. And I still can't believe I was nuts enough to buy this house looking like this. And this was one of the better rooms, seriously!

Fast forward 3 1/2 years to two weeks ago when, in the midst of a fevered sickness, I took the whole room apart and started over again to move Freyja and Lewis in.

Now fast forward to today, Friday, January 10, 2019

Great little Ikea shelves, for bedtime books

I decided cork boards were a good way to let the kids have some free space to decorate and rotate their own creations.

I'm dying over this flamingo that I found at Storm Cellar in Moscow. I put it in Freyja's stocking. And the boys got the same kind of hooks, but wolves. Still need to put those up, but I am a terror with a drill. (Ignore the little nicks in the wall around said flamingo.) I am an excellent wall patcher, however.

I stole the bulb on a chord idea from my sister who lined up three boy beds with no room for bedside tables and lamps. Of course my kids love the power that comes with having their own light source for reading, getting to the bathroom in the night, or just turning it on, and off, and then on again at 2 a.m for the pure joy of it.

I think this amazing doll that my mother in law brought home from France years ago was the subconscious inspiration for the color theme of the bedding. I've always loved this little French fairy.

So I'm a terror with a drill, but I'm almost as bad with a sewing machine. So let me tell you, it took a lot of soul searching and deep breaths to decide to make this bedding myself. Ok, that's definitely making it sound more impressive than it was. I'd been gazing longingly at the Opalhouse collection for a long time and when these pretty sheets and pillows went on sale this fall I pounced. I bought four sets of twin sheets- two navy, two peach- and sewed mismatched top sheets together to create two duvet covers. Now I can mix and match the two sided duvet covers, the bottom sheets and pillowcases to my heart's delight. Lots of bang for very little buck.

The jury is still out on whether I actually like this wall hanging. I bought it for peanuts from TJ Maxx and thought it was uber boring once I got it home. Then, during the 'week of pukes and paint' I decided to spruce it up with some pompoms and hand stitching. I was riding on a high from having made that adorable constellation sampler you'll remember from my last post. I'm blaming this little creation on my low grade fever. But I am absolutely NOT a perfectionist. "Done is better than perfect" is my motto so I slapped this thing up until I come up with something better.

Now please excuse us while we collapse on this very cozy bed and read Good Night Moon.

Good night room with the no-longer-hideous-floral walls.

Good night hedgehog, and French dolls.

Good night Lew,

and good night, good night to you too.

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I'm Caitlin Grace and I live in harsh but beautiful Wallowa County, Oregon where my husband and I ranch beef, homeschool our four kids and seek good days.

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