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Kids' Bedrooms Switch Up

How many home improvement projects do you have to do before you remember to take the "before" photos? Apparently, more than I have done. Because I forgot AGAIN. So let me paint a little picture for you.

One of three bedroom suites on our top floor still had not been redecorated since we moved in 3 years ago. It was the last stand and dying resistance of the wallpaper. Pink rosebud wallpaper a la 1990's. A bunk was bed poorly placed, blocking light from the one window in the room. For window treatments we had some lovely mauve mini-blinds. Bare floor.

Here's the one photo I have:

By necessity of the flowers, this was originally Freyja's room but I decided to put the boys in here once I was done.

We were on our second to last week of glorious of Christmas break and I knew this would be the time to plan my strategic attack for Battle of the Rosebuds. I had my paint color picked. (Valspar Cottage Door) My dressers and beds waiting, curtains coming in the mail from Ikea. Now was the time.

And then we got stomach flu.

We canceled all our New Year's plans and I did not leave my the confines of my home for a solid 5 days, unless it was to get a paint roller from Ace. In between coats of paint, I'd wash throw up bowls, pour gatorade, and turn on the next Chronicles of Narnia audible. Also, Zac was in trial and waking up at 4 a.m. Which meant I was waking up at 4 a.m. So that's when I got most of the painting done. Fun times. By the end of Friday I wanted to cry from exhaustion and mom guilt. But it was still worth it. Right, kids??

I'm always amazed at what a total clean out/ re-arrangment/ fresh take on rooms does for how we live. Everyone could find clothes again. It felt cozy to read in their bedrooms before going to sleep. There was room to build legos, play with Calico Critters, or wrestle on the clean floor.

In my delirium, on day 2 I got a touch of the pukes and sat stitching this little constellation embroidery I had admired on Pinterest, because why waste a minute resting during decorating week??

I love how the dark color (which I was nervous to do because I always want more light in this house) sets off the wood work and makes the whole place feel more warm and cozy. Against the color, the oatmeal curtains felt just right instead of bright white.

Freyja and Lewis bid their old room goodbye.

Kind of no getting around it, bunk beds are ugly, but now they fit in the space better.

Bedroom 2 is up next. Boho, colorful and clean was the theme. And I do have some before photos to make it even more fun. Stay tuned!

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I'm Caitlin Grace and I live in harsh but beautiful Wallowa County, Oregon where my husband and I ranch beef, homeschool our four kids and seek good days.

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