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Hi there.

We all live in the grime. The day to day. The dishes, the laundry, the junk mail, the somehow ever present, faint smell of pee around the base of the toilet in your sons’ bathroom . . What we decide to do with it is our choice.

Come with me as I try, day by day, little by little, to choose to find the grace in the grime. Laughter when the over-ambitious toddler spills milk across the dining room floor and is industriously "cleaning it up" when you walk in. A smile when the living room looks like an intricately planned war is going on, complete with blanket fort and play-mobile men lined up to be shot with nerf bullets. Gratitude when your daughter hugs you and says your watercolor, pom-pom, felt trimmed, glittered crafting tea time was the best time ever. Tears when you realize it is all slipping away too fast. There is only time for enjoying it right now.

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I'm Caitlin Grace and I live in harsh but beautiful Wallowa County, Oregon where my husband and I ranch beef, homeschool our four kids and seek good days.

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